Sunday, 26 February 2012

Sonja Hinrichsen | Snow Drawings

thisiscolossal.comArtist Sonja Hinrichsen and 5 volunteers donned snow boots to choreograph this massive snow drawing at Rabbit Ears Pass in Colorado.

Board of Imagination

Chaotic Moon Labs turns your thoughts into reality with their Emotive headset that picks up your brainwaves to move you down the road to the location of your desire at your chosen speed.

Friday, 24 February 2012

James Martinez | A Fireside Chat

ZanyMysticRadioZany Mystic Lance White interviewed James Martinez about the economic situation James revealed on the Conscious Media Network with Regina Meredith in January 2012, Cold Fusion, iON and other shifts in perception.

Thanks, Lance, for this interview. You bring out the best in your guests.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Cars That Drive Themselves

Video: Sebastian Thrun, who helped build Google’s driverless car, narrates a demonstration of the technology.

National Public RadioThe state of Nevada finalized new rules that will make it possible for robotic self-driving cars to receive their own special driving permits—sort of a driver’s licenses for robots.

Google’s fleet of robotic cars has driven more than 200,000 miles over highways and city streets in California and Nevada.

Nevada is the first state to create a licensing system for self-driving cars and Hawaii, Florida and Oklahoma are already following suit. One day we may be asking ourselves if humans should still be allowed to drive.

Outside In | The Story of Art in the Streets

Patrick SimpsonThe Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles exhibit ‘Art in the Streets’ was the first major U.S. museum exhibition of the history of graffiti and street art.

Monday, 20 February 2012


Documenting Americans With a 35 Foot Camera

Vanishing Cultures is a project of Dennis Manarchy that uses a 35 foot long camera to capture 4.5 by 6 foot negatives that will create incredibly detailed 24 foot tall prints.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Pomplamoose | Reinventing The Music Business

techcrunch.comMusician-entrepreneurs Nataly Dawn and Jack Conte are not only making a living marketing and selling their music online, but who even own a “nice house” with two recording studios.

Their business model is very simple. They create clever, scalable videos for YouTube which then feed their iTunes sales and their licensing deals. It’s a good business with their 3 million monthly views on YouTube being directly correlated to their iTunes sales. Of course, they added, you still need to “make really good music” and have “excellent chemistry”—but the fact that Pomplamoose are making a decent living is great news for the thousands of other talented musicians trying to earn a living in today’s digital economy.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Orbit Dry Ice Washing Machine

digitaltrends.comThe Orbit concept portable washing machine created by industrial designer Elie Ahovi uses dry ice to clean clothes in only a few minutes.

The Orbit cuts down on water usage by allowing dry ice to evaporate into gas and perform a pressurized blast to lift the dirt off your clothes. The chemical reaction between carbon dioxide in dry ice and grease in your clothes breaks down the particles of dirt, spinning them into oblivion.

After the dry ice has scrubbed your laundry clean in a matter of minutes, the gas is sucked back up and returns to a solid state for future washes. The grime removed from your clothes is filtered through a tube which you will have to manually clean and maintain.

The Orbit is also powered by a battery-filled ring containing a metal laundry basket at the center of the the spherical machine. The batteries inside the ring create a magnetic field which also levitates the basket as the machine’s electrical resistivity drops. Now, instead of watching laundry spin inside traditional washing machines, the Orbit would also make our clothes float.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Georgia Guidestones Web Series

guidestones.orgGuidestones is the real story of two college students pursuing a mysterious death that germinates into a global conspiracy they must decode.

The series pairs the cliffhanger mystery of the Da Vinci Code with the conspiracy of X-Files in a fully interactive webseries. Join the two leads as they explore this Georgian wonder and try to figure out what it means for the world—are the stones proof of a new world order or a warning of environmental destruction? Are they even placed there by human hands…

In Guidestones, clues such as names, serial numbers, codes or phone numbers are hidden throughout the series. When searched online, these clues will lead you to vital information, bonus videos and solutions to the episodic cliffhangers. Each new episode of Guidestones will be sent to you in real time so that you can experience events as they unfold.

Start watching Guidestones.

Die Antwoord | Evil Boy

Building Habitable Structures on the Moon

A storage space being constructed by a Contour Crafting robot housed on a version of the Athlete rover developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.

fastcodesign.comBuilding a house usually involves transporting many materials from distant locations for the construction so you can imagine the difficulties of building say, your vacation house on the moon.

USC Professors Behrokh Khoshnevis (Engineering), Anders Carlson (Architecture), Neil Leach (Architecture), and Madhu Thangavelu (Astronautics) completed their first visualization for their NASA research grant for a system to do exactly that.

Using a technique called contour crafting, they propose sending robots to seed the surface of the moon with the basic infrastructure for a moon base (landing pads, roads, hangars, etc.). Once the construction is completed, human crew could lift off and move into their new home.

Contour crafting is effectively a form of 3-D printing. A robot arm extrudes concrete while automated trowels smooth the material into place. On earth, the promise it gives is low-cost, individually customized house construction--the same promises that 3-D printers give to object creation, but on an architectural scale.

On the moon, the basic idea is enhanced fully mobile crafting bots and by on-site quarrying and processing—as it turns out, moon rock has almost all the basic ingredients for concrete. “We will melt the lunar sand and rocks and extrude, the same way some rocks are made naturally on earth from volcanic lava,” says Dr. Khoshnevis.

Everything is a Remix Part 4

everythingisaremix.infoOur system of law doesn’t acknowledge the derivative nature of creativity.

Instead, ideas are regarded as property, as unique and original lots with distinct boundaries. But ideas aren’t so tidy. They're layered, they’re interwoven, they’re tangled. And when the system conflicts with the reality…the system starts to fail.

Scalado App Removes People From Your Photo

ScaladoWhen capturing photos in a busy area, like a public square or a concert for example, it is often difficult to get a clean shot without unwanted objects entering the frame. Now you can capture the shot anyway, and simply let the camera remove the people for you

Point your camera and take a photo. Afterwards you can remove anyone moving around, or select your friends and remove any strangers.

LiveWork | Living Where You Work

LiveWorkMore people are starting their own entrepreneurial businesses from home and a new home design makes space for both.

Clemson University architecture students Eric Laine and Suzanne Steelman developed a single-family housing design for Athens, Georgia, that uses a second floor for living space and a ground floor for commercial space.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Friday, 10 February 2012

Iron Sky

ironsky.netIn the last moments of World War II, a secret Nazi space program evaded destruction by fleeing to the Dark Side of the Moon.

During 70 years of utter secrecy, the Nazis construct a gigantic space fortress with a massive armada of flying saucers.

Two Nazi officers travel to Earth to prepare an invasion. In the end when the Moon Nazi UFO armada darkens the skies, ready to strike at the unprepared Earth, every man, woman and nation alike, must re-evaluate their priorities.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Banksy’s Coming for Dinner

Joan Collins and husband Percy Gibson hold a dinner party with guest Banksy. Banksy’s Coming for Dinner is a film within a film and questions the very nature of ‘reality’ at every level.

California Stevia Growers

S&W Seed Co. in Five Points, California grow seedlings of stevia. Photo: Dan Charles/NPR

National Public RadioRegulatory barriers that once blocked many uses of this all-natural sweetener have fallen. The European Union approved the use of stevia in food late last year. In the U.S., the U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave stevia a green light in 2008. Sales are soaring.

It’s the only zero-calorie sugar substitute with a fresh, clean, green image. It comes from the leaves of the bushy stevia plant, a native of Paraguay. (It still grows wild there.) The other nonsugar sweeteners—saccharin, sucralose, and aspartame—all were born in a laboratory somewhere.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Ron English | The Detroit Project

Artist Ron English takes his family to Detroit for a graffiti vacation.

Simon Laws | Drew House

The Drew House in Queensland, Australia by Simon Laws is a passive design which is self sufficient with solar hot water and electrical panels, rainwater tanks and community water recycling systems.

JR | The Wrinkles Of The City—Los Angeles

This video gives some of the back stories about people artist and TED Prize winner JR photographed for his project The Wrinkles In The City.

Takashi Murakami | Qatar

Behind the scenes with Takashi Murakami as he and his Kaikai Kiki team prepare to launch his first exhibition in Middle East.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

M.I.A. | Bad Girls

Bad girl Mathangi “Maya” Arulpragasam (M.I.A.) flipped the bird to over 111 Super Bowl million viewers during the halftime performance of Madonna’s “Give Me All Your Luvin’.”

Clint Eastwood | It’s Halftime in America

Clint Eastwood does his bit for Detroit.

Monday, 6 February 2012

OK Go | Needing/Getting

okgo.netOK do their bit for Detroit by outfitting a Chevy Sonic with retractable pneumatic arms designed to play 1000 instruments over two miles of desert outside Los Angeles.

The band recorded this version of Needing/Getting, singing as they played the instrument array with the car. The video took 4 months of preparation and 4 days of shooting and recording. There are no ringers or stand-ins; Damian took stunt driving lessons. Each piano had the lowest octaves tuned to the same note so that they'd play the right note no matter where they were struck.

Below: Behind the scenes.

Harvesting Grass Clippings to Make Solar Cells

MITMIT researcher Andreas Mershin has a vision that within a few years, you can make your own solar panels from agricultural waste like grass clippings and even sell power to those who need it.

He hopes the instructions for making a solar cell will be simple enough to be reduced to “one sheet of cartoon instructions, with no words.” The only ingredient to be purchased would be chemicals to stabilize the PS-I molecules, which could be packaged inexpensively in a plastic bag.

Essentially, Mershin says, within a few years a villager in a remote, off-grid location could “take that bag, mix it with anything green and paint it on the roof” to start producing power, which could then charge cellphones or lanterns.